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About the project

We are upgrading the Ferndale Park pavilion in Glen Iris to create a better experience for pavilion users and park visitors, including:

  • St Mary’s Salesian Amateur Football Club
  • Ashburton Willows Cricket Club
  • Hawthorn U3A.

Upgrades to the existing pavilion include 4 new changerooms built into the lower-level extension. These changerooms will have better facilities for women and are part of our efforts to support female sports teams and encourage female sports participation through our Diversity, Inclusion and Participation Program.

The upgrades will also include an improved, larger multi-purpose space, which Hawthorn U3A can use.

The upgrades are in line with our Development and Funding of Community Pavilions – Sport and Recreation Policy and our Boroondara Community Plan 2021–2031. We’re pleased to be delivering these improvements, which will benefit pavilion users and park visitors.

Project status

We’re currently working through the detailed design for the pavilion. When this is completed, we’ll go out to tender for a builder. We don’t currently know when this will happen.

Community consultation

In February and March 2023, we asked our community for feedback on a draft design concept for the pavilion. We received mixed support from the 172 people who provided feedback.

You can find out what our community told us, how their feedback shaped the final concept design, and view the final concept design on our Ferndale Park pavilion consultation page

The final design

In response to community feedback, we updated the design by:

  • moving the location of the staircase, which is now located up against the building
  • removing the mesh screen and installing a risk fence behind the goals instead
  • moving the public toilet to the front of the building to provide greater visibility
  • including a path that runs across the front of the pavilion and runs from east to west, maintaining the link between the Ferndale and Back Creek bicycle trails
  • removing the barbecue.

The updated design still features:

  • 4 new changerooms
  • an extension of the lower level, built into the existing embankment
  • 2 umpires’ rooms
  • a first aid room
  • improvements to the kitchen and kiosk areas
  • increased storage spaces
  • a new brick paved pathway located between the pavilion and scout hall
  • a partially covered spectator terrace, connecting to the multipurpose space and newly landscaped surrounds
  • a partially covered walkway along the oval level, providing safe visibility of on-field activity
  • improvements to the concrete ramp for better accessibility and wheelchair access
  • pavilion lighting upgrades for improved safety during night-time use of the pavilion and surrounds
  • use of recycled brick cladding for the pavilion
  • extension of the terrace into the existing hill to complement the Ferndale Park landscape.

We have carefully considered the proposed design of the upgraded pavilion to make sure it:

  • supports our sustainability efforts
  • increases accessibility
  • is a welcoming and useful place for the community.

Tree works

We need to remove one existing Eucalyptus and one Algerian Oak, due to their current condition and proximity to the construction site. We will offset these with new trees planted south of the renewed pavilion. Tree protection fencing will be installed around all remaining trees located within the construction zone.

More information

To receive updates about this project, visit our Ferndale Park pavilion consultation page and select 'Follow' at the top of the page.

For more information about construction, contact our Sport and Recreation team on (03) 9278 4444 or [email protected].

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