Some of our services are closed or have different hours on Anzac Day public holiday on Thursday 25 April 2024.

We carried out consultation with our community about this Climate Action Plan in 2020.

During the first phase of the consultation, we heard from more than 1,500 community members. They shared their feedback online, over the phone and in writing. We randomly selected one-third of these community members to take part.

In March and April 2021, we did a follow-up survey and workshops. This second phase of the consultation told us we were mostly on the right track. We found out that we have the support from our community to take bold actions to reduce our contribution to climate change.

A survey report outlining the consultation process for this plan is published on our website.

During 2021, we carried out consultation on the refresh of our Boroondara Community Plan. We have considered the feedback from the community during this process and included this in the development of our Climate Action Plan. We will publish the details from this consultation in 2021.

Other considerations in developing this plan

Our Climate Action Plan aims to guide the City of Boroondara on the most effective ways to reduce emissions and be more sustainable.

When we developed this plan, we looked at:

  • community feedback
  • how our operations contribute to greenhouse gas emissions
  • how the Boroondara community contribute to greenhouse gas emissions
  • how climate change is connected to other environmental issues, such as our biodiversity and water availability
  • other ways we can help reduce the effects of climate change outside our own operations
  • how much we need to reduce emissions by to avoid the worst effects of climate change
  • what data we have available to track and report on how well we are doing
  • what data we aren’t able to collect.