Cr Felicity Sinfield

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Mobile: 0418 793 573

Post: Private Bag 1, Camberwell VIC 3124

A smiling woman with auburn hair in a black jacket

History of Cotham Ward

Cotham was a settlement founded in the early 1850s, near Wellington Street, east of Denmark Street which grew where the two roads met that crossed the Yarra River.

The roads then diverged and went to settlers along the river or due east along the Main Gippsland Road. Cotham was soon overshadowed by the larger village of Kew, also established in the 1850s, just north along the road to Bulleen, later called High Street.

It had thriving shops, businesses and hotels by the 1860s, when Kew's streets were named. Some of the main roads had different names to those given by other municipalities.

The Main Gippsland Road was generally known as White Horse Road after the hotel in the Box Hill district, but on the Kew side of Burke Road it retained its name of Cotham Road, the road to Cotham.

Map of Cotham Ward

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