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We are enhancing the Maling Road Precinct in Canterbury, building on its unique heritage character and village charm.
A placemaking project is currently underway to revitalise the precinct and create a place where the community can come together, stay, play and belong.
- Over 1,200 people shared their big ideas to revitalise Maling Road during community engagement held in late 2019.
- These ideas informed the development of the Maling Road Place Vision. This document brings together your feedback and initial research about the area.
- In May 2020, you helped us prioritise the key opportunities identified in the Place Vision. You told us how Maling Road, its laneways and Theatre Place could be improved.
- This input alongside thorough place analysis has contributed to your Maling Road Place Plan. This document contains projects and initiatives to improve Maling Road now and into the future.
Projects and initiatives
The Maling Road Place Plan aims to deliver multiple projects and initiatives to enhance Maling Road.
Your continued input is essential to transforming Maling Road. We will work with you to guide the design and delivery of long-term projects contained in the Place Plan.
Here are some of the short-term projects and initiatives:
A snapshot of the Maling Road Place Plan
Based on your ideas and feedback, this is your collective vision for the future of Maling Road:
Maling Road will offer a unique village feel, with its heritage character and diversity of shops complemented by playful, vibrant and safe spaces attracting people of all ages and backgrounds, morning to night.
These 5 principles respond to the community’s aspirations for how Maling Road can become a vibrant and welcoming place attracting a diversity of visitors:
- heritage village
- retail diversity
- vibrant public spaces
- walkable streets
- safe and accessible.
Each principle includes real-world projects and initiatives, such as physical projects like public realm upgrades, and supporting initiatives like music performances and community murals.
Place partners
The Place Plan brings together the ideas and aspirations of the community, businesses, community organisations, landowners, the Maling Road Business Association and other key stakeholders.
Ongoing engagement and collaboration with these groups is at the heart of placemaking and will be key to planning and delivering projects outlined in the Implementation Plan.
Community engagement summary
All of the findings from the first phase of community engagement held in late 2019 are summarised in the community engagement summary, including what you told us about:
- the current use and identity of Maling Road
- the different areas for improvement
- what you’d like Maling Road to look and feel like in the future.
Results from the first and second phase of community engagement are summarised in the Maling Road Place Plan.
Download the Plan and engagement summary
More information
For more information, contact the Placemaking team at [email protected].

Our community leaders have already started this process, as can be seen in this photo taken at the Imagining Place Workshop for Maling Road.

To demonstrate what is possible, we invited families to share their vision for Maling Road at a creative placemaking activity in Theatre Place (pictured above).