Our 6 strategic objectives

An overview

The new Customer Experience Improvement Strategy offers a range of improvements that work together to enhance the user experience through improved service delivery, efficiency gains and a holistic approach:

  1. We will improve our online information and services

    What does this mean? We will empower our customers by improving the quality, accessibility and usability of our online information and services, adopting a user-centred approach to redesigning them, and expanding self-service options we offer to better empower our customers. Read Strategic Objective 1.
  2. We will align and improve our customer channels

    What does this mean? We will review and align our customer-facing channels to ensure that they support our strategic objectives and offer an enhanced customer experience, including consistency and clarity across all channels to provide customer choice and convenience. Read Strategic Objective 2.
  3. We will improve our customer interaction

    What does this mean? We will review our customer interactions, communications and information products to ensure our customers have clarity and understanding, and feel informed and equal. We will deliver a personal and empathetic experience and language. Read Strategic Objective 3.
  4. We will streamline our customer touchpoints

    What does this mean? We will implement practices and platforms that support a whole-of-customer experience, including a single view of customer, consistency across channels and more streamlined touchpoints for interaction. We will close the loop on all customer interactions. Read Strategic Objective 4.
  5. We will develop a culture of evaluation

    What does this mean? We seek customer and other feedback, and act on it. We will collect and analyse feedback to understand how well we are meeting our customer experience objectives and translate them into meaningful customer experience improvements. Read Strategic Objective 5.
  6. We will simplify and clarify our customer processes

    What does this mean? We will improve our customer-facing processes by designing with the customer experience and benefit in mind, increase customer options for payment and interaction and build partnerships to support better services. Read Strategic Objective 6.