Financial expenditure

During 2018-19, Council delivered the following services for every $100 they spent:

Where your rates go Actual 2018-19
Capital Works and Priority Projects $31.29 
Environment and Waste Management $13.33 
Parks, Gardens and Sportsgrounds $10.06
Health, Aged Community and Family Services $11.71
Roads, Footpaths, Safety and Drainage $5.30
Planning and Building $5.51
Library Services $7.36
Local Laws Enforcement $5.72
Culture, Leisure and Recreation and Civic Centres $1.92
Engineering and Traffic $2.43
Communications and Customer Service $3.08
Rates and Property Services $1.77
Economic Development $0.52

Note: Includes an allocation of corporate services, governance, risk management, building maintenance and public lighting across these service areas.