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Sam (restaurant owner): It's incumbent on business owners to provide that stamp of sustainability and that sustainability isn't a hard thing to do. It's a lifestyle change that's for the positive. It'll impact customer behaviour and it also impacts your own staff in the way that they deal with waste.

I own this establishment with my wife and I've been here for about 11 and a half years. And I'm the head chef and I'm the head cleaner and I'm the head customer service operator.

We've noticed that there's a lot of food wastage in our industry, not only in the preparation phase but also post-delivering it to the customer.

So, what attracted me to the Go Full Circle program was the fact that we can make change. Small steps can make a really big change.

There were many aspects of the program that I felt fantastically hit our pain points. One of them was being in a room with experts who have been through this journey. They actually provided a step-by-step process.

So the tangible benefits we have within our restaurant and the way that we serve has changed dramatically. We've cut down our takeaway container. So there’s a program where our paella pans are actually rented. We serve it in the paella pan, just like they're sitting in the restaurant, and then brings it back. It makes that whole circular economy come really into life.

Our customers have responded in a really, really positive way. Conversations we've never had with customers are happening now, and it's regarding the way that they want to be treated and how they want to be served their food.

There's a big gap in the market in terms of perception and also the reality of the way restaurants deal with waste and the circular economy as a whole. There's a big opportunity for businesses to take a really good lead to make sure that decisions we make today are for the benefit of the community and customers.