Priority theme 6
Your local shops and businesses
Our community told us they value:
The presence of vibrant shops close to home, including places to socialise and eat out. Locally owned businesses are particularly valued, as are those that provide employment in Boroondara.
Our community said:
We value these things because they foster a sense of community, enable residents to 'live locally' and contribute to a thriving local economy.

Strategic Objective 6: A vibrant local economy and shops that are accessible, attractive and a centre of community life.
Our strategies to achieve this objective
- Strategy 6.1 - Improve and upgrade the amenity, accessibility and unique sense of place of shopping strip infrastructure and streetscapes to increase activation of local shopping areas.
- Strategy 6.2 - Promote initiatives that support a diverse local business community to cater for a wider range of businesses.
- Strategy 6.3 - Showcase and promote the City’s attractions to increase visitation and spending locally.
- Strategy 6.4 - Promote and encourage businesses of the future to Boroondara, with a focus on new technology and innovation to meet changing employment needs.
- Strategy 6.5 - Provide support for traders to increase vibrancy and functionality of existing retail precincts to enhance a sense of community.
- Strategy 6.6 - Promote and expand the local night-time economy in identified locations.
Evaluation measures
We'll use the following high level indicators and data to assess our progress towards achieving Strategic Objective 6. Detailed indicators will be published in the adjusted Council Plan 2017-21 and reported against in the Annual Report.
Indicators | Data source |
Outcome: Satisfaction with local shops and businesses | Annual Community Satisfaction Survey |
Output: Range of indicators to assess the progress of access, appropriateness, quality and cost of local shops and businesses |
Operational indicators |
Outcome indicators: Assess the overall impact and achievement of strategic objectives.
Output indicators: Measure specific activities.
Download the full Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - designed PDF, Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - text format or Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - PDF of text version.