We provide support to residents who run a small business from their home. These businesses are an important part of our business community and can include:

  • online, start-up and small businesses that operate from the home
  • consultants, contractors and tradespeople with a home office
  • sole traders, such as a hairdresser, who perform services from their home.

What you need to do

To start a business from home, you'll need to:

We can help you get started

Our Business Support Service provides broad business advice and support including guidance with Council permits.

Connect with our Business Support Service

You can also call us during business hours on (03) 9278 4444.

Health requirements

Some home-based businesses may also need to register with Council Health Services, including:

To find out if this applies to your home business, email Health Services at [email protected] or call us on (03) 9278 4444 to discuss your circumstances.

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