What is a Cultural Heritage Management Plan?

A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) protects and manages Aboriginal cultural heritage in a way that involves Registered Aboriginal Parties and protects areas of cultural heritage sensitivity.

It is a written report prepared by a Heritage Advisor after they have completed an assessment.

It includes:

  • results from the assessment
  • possible impacts that a proposed activity may have on Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • actions that need to be taken before, during and after an activity to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage in the area.

Why do we need a CHMP? 

Under the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018, a CHMP is required when large developments and other high-impact activities in cultural heritage sensitive areas could cause significant harm to Aboriginal cultural heritage.

What are areas of cultural heritage sensitivity?

Areas of cultural heritage sensitivity include:

  • registered Aboriginal cultural heritage places
  • landforms and land categories that are generally regarded as more likely to have Aboriginal cultural heritage.

You can find areas of cultural heritage sensitivity on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register and Information System online map

Who approves a CHMP?

The relevant Registered Aboriginal Party, or in certain situations the Aboriginal Heritage Council, must approve the CHMP.

Decision-making authorities, such as state or local government agencies, can't issue statutory approvals without an approved CHMP. This includes a work authority, licence or planning permit.

More information

You can check the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations Planning Tool to see if your proposed development is considered a high-impact activity and will need a CHMP. 

Find out more on the First Peoples – State Relations website

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