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3 minutes and 32 seconds
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I am Gelareh Pour. I am an Iranian Australian musician. And I grew up in Tehran, in Iran, I am passionate about gardening, music, diasporic artists and art and human relation. I'm always curious to find out what it means to be from more than one place Iranians are always very proud of their culture. They're into food, football, or soccer, and anything related to where they're coming from.

We may have different ideas personally, about things, but at the end of the day, we'll come together and celebrate the culture together that we're in love with.
I grew up playing a classical Persian instrument. So being from Iran and from that culture is always part of my artistic practice. Although after immigrating to Australia, I am some of so many different things and my culture as an Iranian is only one part of it. But I can never avoid the influence of where I'm coming from. In my artistic practice.

Art is universal, so we can all just connect through it. We can all be interested in different sorts of arts. I may sit in the same theatre as you and I may not like it and you would love it, but we both have shared the same vision. Watching the art and we are connected because we spend the same time watching the same thing through art.

We can all celebrate intercultural tourism by bringing cultures together and see the similarities and celebrate the uniqueness and differences Since moving to Australia, I had to turn down quite a few different art performances because the attitude behind these sort of events was only multiculturalism and tokenism. As an Iranian Australian artist, I've been living in Australia for the past ten years.
Influenced by different artists I have worked with and where I'm living. I am a diasporic musician and I'm so much more than where I'm only coming from.

Diversity essentially is inclusion. When we label something and put it in pigeonhole it means we are limiting it to a very big audience. If I want to have a concert and I advertise it as a cultural event, I probably just attract people who are interested in Iranian culture or know about the culture or are Iranians. But by simply taking this label out, I will be open into so many different audience who may enjoy my music without even knowing where it's coming from.