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Artist Hannah Quinlivan describes her ephemeral, site-specific works on display as part of Delineation.

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Speaker: Hannah Quinlivan, artist

My name is Hannah Quinlivan. Iʼm a drawing based artist. Iʼm in the middle of my PhD at the Australian National University. My focus is in ephemeral, site-specific drawing. My research is trying to understand how I can sort of absorb the difference of currents of moods and structures of feelings in our society today.

There are works across four different areas. In the middle of the gallery space thereʼs two structures of wire and steel drawings hovering off the ceiling. The works that I have put into this exhibition is all one work called ‘Falling Through the Cracksʼ. There’s wall drawings, as well as suspended drawings, shadow drawings across the floor and the walls but also capturing the fleeting shadows in salt. So itʼs an ephemeral drawing that lasts for the period of the course of the exhibition and then at the end be swept away. So that’s a sense of the impermanence of aspects of life.