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2 minutes 34 seconds

Yen, President of the Vietnamese Senior Citizens Association, shares her love of helping others and staying socially engaged and active. 

Audio description

[Music plays. We see an older woman enjoying working in her garden, swimming in a pool, talking with other Vietnamese seniors in a meeting room. We hear a woman speaking with a Vietnamese accent.]

"I am a busy woman, so most of the whole week, I'm busy. I just leave one day free for me, and the rest, I have something to do.

I love swimming. I came to the swimming pool, the friendly staff make me have to smile. I can bring the you know, unhappy face to the swimming pool, and then, when I do the swimming, I feel so good.

I work to volunteer two days a week for the Vietnamese Senior Cultural Association.

We meet on Tuesday every week from nine to ten."

[The woman speaking is now shown sitting down and looking off screen to an unseen interviewer. She is identified by text on the screen as "Yen, President, Vietnamese Senior Citizens Association". Yen continues speaking while we see shots of Vietnamese seniors participating in many of the activities she describes.]

"We got the tai chi and yoga combined exercise, gentle exercise for our age. From 10 to 11, we got the Zumba Go, and the people around 60, 70 love them very much. After that, we still have the group for singing and another group for cultural dancing.

And we have lunch, we share, we talk. I love that time very much with eating and talking freely you know? It means we don't have any topic, any title, but very exciting.

And after that, we got the table tennis for men. Sometime the women join as well, but mostly the men will join that one.

I think the best thing for me, I make new friends.

That first step is very difficult, but please come and join us and try to do it, and you will find something is good for you."


"Find great community groups, cultural activities and other information to help add life to your years by clicking Find Social Activities at the bottom of this page."

[Text on screen]

"Add life to your years"



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