We have a full calendar of events happening in Boroondara – from a climate-friendly soil workshop to school-holiday activities.
Online workshop: Healthy soil – and how to achieve it
It’s essential for thriving gardens and also plays a role in climate change – making the pursuit of better soil the perfect way to celebrate World Environment Day. Seasol’s Alick Osborne will talk about how soil acts as a ‘carbon sink’ and the direct impact it has on climate change, and Richard Rowe from Sustainable Gardening Australia will talk about how you can achieve great soil.
When: 6:30pm to 8pm, Tuesday 7 June
Where: Zoom online webinar
Bookings: Visit our Sustainable living workshops and events page.
What to do in the winter school holidays
Just like that, school holidays are around the corner – after a shorter-than-usual 9-week term they start on 25 June. City of Boroondara has fun, creative and affordable school-holiday activities to keep kids of all ages entertained. There will be Play and Ride sessions at Kew Traffic School, Boroondara Youth Hub games tournaments and events, arts workshops and library-based activities.
To find out more, visit our School holiday activities page.

What’s on at Boroondara Arts
Boroondara Arts is running a full program of visual arts, performances and workshops throughout June. Our much-loved Eisteddfod is in full swing, with local musicians returning to the competition spotlight in heats and finals, culminating in a Gala Concert on Wednesday 20 July and Piano Concerto Final on Sunday 24 July. To find out more and make a booking, visit our Boroondara Eisteddfod page.
Explore exhibitions Expanded Canvas, Diverse Boroondara, Common Thread and Canvas and Paint. Enjoy Inventi Sunday Classics at Hawthorn Arts Centre or, for the little ones, Little Feet Music at Kew Court House. Join a colourful collage workshop with Tsekouras Arts or take in a screening of Tim’s Vermeer, a film exploring one of art’s greatest mysteries.
To find out more about our June program, visit our Boroondara Arts page.

What’s on at your neighbourhood house
If there’s an interest or a passion you’d like to pursue, your local neighbourhood house has a range of courses, classes and workshops to explore. Nurture a creative talent, learn a language, develop your skills or join a social group. We have options for children and teens through to the senior members of our community. Get in touch with your local neighbourhood house to find out what it offers.
Introduction to volunteering
Gain confidence, knowledge and skills in coffee making, business administration, retail, community support and more. For more information, phone (03) 9885 9401.
When: 9:30am to 2:30pm, Wednesdays from 1 June
Where: Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre
Cost: $85 for 4 sessions
Games day Wednesday
Love playing Bridge or Solo? Join in the fun with the Solo Group or the Bridge Group every Wednesday. To register, phone (03) 9882 2611.
When: Solo Group at 9:30am or the Bridge Group at 12:30pm, Wednesdays
Where: Camberwell Community Centre
Cost: $5 per session
Mandarin playgroup
A friendly and immersive playgroup, engaging babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, parents and grandparents in music, storytelling, craft activities and games in Mandarin. To find out more or book a free trial, phone (03) 9885 7789.
When: 9:30am to 11am, Wednesdays
Where: Craig Family Centre
Cost: $135 for 9 weeks
A quarterly community event with a market, workshops, Devonshire tea, sausage sizzle, and craft activities. To find out more, phone (03) 9885 7952.
When: 9:30am to 2:30pm, Saturday 25 June
Where: Ashburton Community Centre
Cost: Free
Visible mending
Learn the basics of visible mending so you can repair torn jeans, ripped shirts and other fabric items that you might otherwise send to landfill. To find out more, phone (03) 9830 4214.
When: 10am to 12:30pm, Wednesday 8 June
Where: Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre Call
Cost: $65 for one session
Make a mosaic plaque
Make a stunning mosaic garden wall plaque with mosaic artist Andrea Hughes over 3 Thursday nights. To find out more, phone (03) 9890 2467.
When: 7pm to 9pm, Thursdays from 21 July
Where: Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre
Cost: $165 for 3 sessions
Balwyn Batters table tennis
Have fun playing singles and doubles with the Balwyn Batters table tennis group. All levels are welcome. To find out more, phone (03) 9836 7942.
When: 7pm to 9pm, Mondays from 2 May
Where: Balwyn Community Centre
Cost: $5 per session
Effective writing for EAL
Improve your written skills in preparation for IELTS tests, further study or employment. To find out more, phone (03) 9853 3126.
When: 9:30am to 11:30am, Tuesdays from 1 June
Where: Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre
Cost: $100 for 9 sessions
Carers walking group
Pathway for Carers Walking Group where participants learn about news, services and support. To find out more, phone (03) 9819 2629.
When: 10am to 11am, the third Thursday of every month (includes morning tea)
Where: Hawthorn Community House
Cost: Free
Sewing for all levels
Learn techniques to start you on your sewing journey or take it to the next level. Barbara will show you how. To find out more, phone (03) 9889 0791.
When: 9:30am to 12pm, Fridays
Where: Bowen Street Community Centre
Cost: $300 for 8 weeks
Sustainable craft workshops
Join us for a series of inspiring craft workshops including arm knitting, Japanese fabric flowers and electrical wire jewellery. For more information or to register, phone Trentwood at the Hub on (03) 9006 6590.
Download a copy of our new Live & Learn guide at Neighbourhood houses and community centres.