Some of our services are closed or have different hours on the Melbourne Cup public holiday on Tuesday 5 November 2024.

Corporate governance

We provide leadership and good governance to the municipal district and the local community. Our role includes:

  • taking into account the diverse needs of our community in decision-making
  • providing leadership by establishing strategic objectives and monitoring achievements
  • ensuring resources are managed in a responsible and accountable manner
  • advocating the interests of our community to other communities and governments
  • fostering community cohesion and encouraging active participation in civic life.

We maintain strong relationships with other tiers of government, neighbouring councils, and organisations such as electricity and water distributors.

Council meetings and delegated committees


Council meetings are open to the public and usually scheduled on the fourth Monday of each month. In accordance with the requirements of the Governance Rules, additional, unscheduled Council meetings may be called when required.

In FY2022-23, we held 18 Council meetings. The table below reflects the number of Council meetings attended by each councillor, and the Council meetings in which councillors had Council-approved leave of absence and therefore were not present at the meeting.


Total Council meetings attended

Meeting dates where a councillor was granted a leave of absence

Cr Felicity Sinfield (Mayor)


No leave of absence

Cr Lisa Hollingsworth (Deputy Mayor)


19 June 2023

Cr Jim Parke


No leave of absence

Cr Victor Franco


26 June 2023

Cr Wes Gault


No leave of absence

Cr Di Gillies


No leave of absence

Cr Jane Addis


No leave of absence

Cr Cynthia Watson


  • 14 November 2022
  • 21 November 2022
  • 28 November 2022
  • 22 May 2023

Cr Susan Biggar


  • 26 July 2022
  • 14 November 2022

Cr Garry Thompson


  • 28 November 2022
  • 26 June 2023

Cr Nick Stavrou


  • 14 November 2022
  • 21 November 2022

Conflicts of interest

We require conflicts of interest to be disclosed by councillors, members of delegated committees, Council officers and contractors. The procedures for making disclosures vary depending on the role and circumstances, but they generally involve disclosing the relevant interest in accordance with the Governance Rules and then stepping aside from the relevant decision-making process or from the exercise of the public duty.

During FY2022-23, 17 conflicts of interest were declared at Council and Delegated Committee meetings.

Councillor allowances and expenses

Allowances paid to each councillor during the year are in the table below, along with councillor expenses for FY2022-23.

Councillors are reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing their duties. Expenses can be broken down into the following categories:

  • Information and communication
  • Accommodation and travel
  • Professional development
  • Other expenses (including levies and charges, membership fees, minor equipment purchases, general administration, and childcare expenses).

A breakdown of these expenses is available in the complete Annual report.



Total expenses

Cr Felicity Sinfield (Mayor from 9 December 2022)



Cr Jane Addis (Mayor until 9 December 2022)



Cr Lisa Hollingsworth (Deputy Mayor from 9 December 2022)



Cr Wes Gault (Deputy Mayor until 9 December 2022)



Cr Jim Parke



Cr Victor Franco



Cr Di Gillies



Cr Cynthia Watson



Cr Susan Biggar



Cr Garry Thompson



Cr Nick Stavrou

