Some of our services are closed or have different hours on Anzac Day public holiday on Thursday 25 April 2024.

On this page

Solar rooftop panels

Reduce your energy bills and environmental impact by installing solar panels on your roof.

We partner with the local government initiative Solar Savers to make installing solar easier for local homeowners, renters, landlords and business owners.

For a limited time, Solar Savers is offering households a $500 discount off the price of solar systems or battery installation. Residents who hold a Pensioner Concession Card will be prioritised for the discount.

You can find more information about solar, batteries, rebates on the Solar Savers website

Check if you need any permits before installing solar panels by reading our Install solar panels guide.

Energy assessments

An energy assessment will tell you:

  • where you can save money on energy bills
  • what upgrades could help you reduce your emissions.

The Australian Energy Foundation program finished on 31 August 2022. We are looking for alternative ways to deliver this service.

Track your energy use

You can keep track of your energy use at home, work or school by using:

  • a home energy meter
  • a thermal imaging camera.

Home energy meter

You'll need to pick it up from the library. The kit comes with instructions and worksheets.

Thermal imaging camera

You'll need to pick it up from the library.

Thermal imaging cameras help:

  • reveal where heat is leaking into or out of your house
  • show gaps in insulation
  • find appliances that are using a lot of energy.

The kit comes with a charging cable, adaptor and user guide.

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