Theme 5: Circular economy

Actions to make Council more sustainable

5.1 Increase recycling options available to the Boroondara community and support new recycling options for items such as solar PV panels.

5.2 Increase the use of recycled materials in our projects and work.

5.3 Get rid of any non-essential, single-use plastics at events managed and sponsored by Council.

5.4 Explore opportunities to use FOGO compost in our open spaces and parks.

5.5 Look for opportunities to expand the FOGO program.

Partnership actions

5.6 Deliver workshops and support for:

  • using more recycled materials
  • reducing food waste
  • more composting.

5.7 Deliver business-focused programs to:

  • reduce food waste
  • reduce packaging waste.

Actions to adapt to climate change

5.8 Support more home food gardening, as well as community gardening and composting.

5.9 Explore options for waste disposal other than landfill

Policy and advocacy actions

5.10 Develop a Circular Economy Strategy for Boroondara to replace the current Waste Minimisation and Recycling Strategy.

5.11 Advocate for greater environmental sustainability in the National Construction Code.