The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Ambulance Victoria propose to build a public aged care facility and a new ambulance station on the St George’s Hospital site at 283 Cotham Road, Kew.


The 90-bed aged care facility will be located at the rear of Normanby House within the hospital grounds and will abut the rear of residential properties.

The ambulance station will be located at the rear of the hospital on the corner of Downton Grove and Normanby Road, which are two local residential streets.

DHHS has advised that it does not need a planning permit from Council for either facility and has indicated that it is satisfied with consultation it has undertaken with Council and the local community. It intends to commence construction shortly.

Our concerns with the proposal

While Council supports the facilities, we have concerns regarding the potential impacts on surrounding residents:

  • In our view, consultation surrounding the two projects has been inadequate. 
    • Proper consultation would consist of draft plans of the facilities being the subject of public exhibition, an opportunity provided to lodge submissions, to negotiate changes and to have outstanding matters tested by an advisory committee. None of these opportunities have been provided.
    • DHHS has refused to provide Council with a set of plans for the aged care facility unless Council officers sign a confidentiality agreement. Officers will not sign an agreement which constrain their ability to share information with the community.
  • We are concerned with the location of the ambulance station and the potential impact on the local street network and residential amenity.
  • We also have significant concern with the potential amenity impact associated with the aged care facility, which appears in part to be the equivalent of five storeys in height. 
  • We believe DHHS should be seeking approval from Council for car parking associated with the new facilities. 

Next steps

Council is seeking clarification from DHHS about the use of the aged care facility and the exemptions from the normal planning process being claimed by DHHS.

Council has written to the Minister for Health to express our concerns.  

Further information

The Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority provides information about the project and future communication.

What you can do

Raise your concerns to:

Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services

The Hon. Jill Hennessey MP

Level 22, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Phone: (03) 9096 8561

Email: [email protected]


Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing

Martin Foley MP

Level 22,50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Phone: (03) 9096 7500

Email: [email protected]


Minister for Planning

Richard Wynne MP

PO Box 500, East Melbourne, VIC 3002

Phone: (03) 8683 0964

Email: [email protected]


Residents can also contact Cotham Ward Councillor Cr Felicity Sinfield at [email protected] should they wish to discuss further concerns about the project.

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