On this page

Please note: applications for the 2025 Community Exhibitions Program have closed. We will update this page in February 2025 with the important dates for the 2026 Community Exhibitions Program. Applicants for the 2025 Community Exhibitions Program will be notified of the outcome of their application by Monday 9 September.

About the program

Dreaming of your own art exhibition? Apply for the Town Hall Gallery Community Exhibitions Program for the chance to publicly exhibit your work with guidance and support from our professional curatorial team.

We are proud to offer this free program each year to artists, community groups and schools from the community as a wonderful opportunity to improve professional skills and confidence in a supportive environment. These exhibitions proudly showcase the diversity and depth of creative talent in the community.

We are proud of this program and the ensuing support offered to local artists and creative organisations since its inception in December 2013.

Since 2013, the Community Exhibitions Program has exhibited over 3,200 artworks created by more than 730 artists. The program has:

  • received over 690 attendees annually to exhibition openings
  • welcomed 7,274 online visitors
  • averaged over 500 visits to each individual exhibition.

The Program has also helped provide over $149,000 in sales directly back to artists of Boroondara.

Types of community exhibitions

Each exhibition is on display for 4 to 6 weeks, and there are up to 12 exhibitions scheduled per year.

The Town Hall Gallery Curatorial team curates the exhibition program. The annual Community Exhibitions Program consists of 4 exhibitions:

  • solo exhibitions 
  • group exhibitions by application
  • curated group exhibitions
  • the Boroondara Summer Salon.

Solo exhibitions 

An exhibition consisting of an individual artist, based on the body of work described in their application.

Group exhibitions by application

An exhibition consisting of a group who have applied via a single application. This includes a group of artists or a community group.

Curated group exhibitions

An exhibition including multiple artists based on the complementary themes and concepts submitted in their individual applications. The Curatorial team selects the featured artists and the theme of the exhibition. Applicants can choose to have their application considered for a curated group show.

The Boroondara Summer Salon

The Community Exhibitions Program concludes each year with the Boroondara Summer Salon. This is a large, curated group exhibition including a single work from each applicant. This exhibition is an excellent option for artists who are emerging or have a small body of work available.

Applicants may submit multiple works for consideration to the Boroondara Summer Salon, but only one work per artist will be selected. Applicants to the Boroondara Summer Salon won’t be considered for a solo or curated group exhibition.

Applicants who aren’t selected for a solo or group exhibition can choose to have their artwork considered for the Boroondara Summer Salon.

Application eligibility

To be eligible for our Town Hall Gallery Community Exhibitions Program, applicants must be one of the following:

  • an emerging artist living in Boroondara or with a studio in Boroondara
  • a practicing artist not represented by a commercial gallery living in Boroondara or with a studio in Boroondara
  • students at a school/institution located within the City of Boroondara
  • a School, University or TAFE group based in Boroondara
  • An historical group or community group based in Boroondara
  • An arts organisation or arts community group based in Boroondara
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who live, work or study in the Eastern Metropolitan Region on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country (Boroondara, Monash, Manningham, Whitehorse, Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges).

Town Hall Gallery is particularly committed to uplifting the voices of:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • people who are culturally diverse
  • people from the LGBTQIA+ community
  • people with disability and people who are D/deaf.

Previous applicants

Artists and groups who have exhibited in the Community Exhibitions Program in the last 2 years will only be eligible for the Boroondara Summer Salon. Community groups may still submit a proposal for the Community Exhibitions Program if the majority of the artists featured haven't exhibited in the past 2 years. 

Selected applicants to the Boroondara Summer Salon will be eligible for future opportunities to exhibit with the Community Exhibitions Program.


If you have any access requirements and need support, contact the Curatorial team on 03 9278 4770 or [email protected].

For information about the accessibility of our venues, visit our Town Hall Gallery page

Please contact us before the due date if you can’t complete the application on time due to unforeseen circumstances. A short extension may be possible.

Selection criteria

The Curatorial Team will assess applications against the following criteria:

  • Connection to community, including working with Boroondara community
  • Clarity of theme/concept of the exhibition
  • Appropriateness of the exhibition to the space and available resources
  • Innovation, excellence, or diversity represented in artistic practice
  • Quality of documentation provided. This includes good-quality images that are indicative of the proposed exhibition or artwork.

More information

For any assistance, please reach out to the Curatorial Team on (03) 9278 4770

For more information about the Community Exhibition Program, email [email protected] or call us on (03) 9278 4770.

You can see past community exhibitions on our Online exhibitions page.

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