Some of our services are closed or have different hours on Anzac Day public holiday on Thursday 25 April 2024

Council adopted these Terms of Reference on 12 February 2024. 

1   Purpose of the Committee

The Boroondara Arts Advisory Committee (the Committee) provides specialist advice and feedback to Council about a range of matters that may influence arts and culture policy, service and program delivery. The Committee assists Council to identify, articulate and respond appropriately to new and emerging arts-related issues in the community and to enable community participation in arts and cultural programs.

The Committee acts in an advisory capacity only and has no delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of Council.

2   Background

The City of Boroondara values arts and culture as an important element in its vision for a vibrant and inclusive city, meeting the needs and aspirations of the community. Council allocated $3.65 million on arts and cultural services and events in the 2023/24 financial year budget. Council’s arts and cultural programs include:

  • an annual program of events and workshops (including the Boroondara Eisteddfod and Summer in the Park series)
  • management of Town Hall Gallery Collection and exhibitions program
  • management of Council’s arts and cultural facilities at the Town Hall Gallery, Kew Court House, Hawthorn Arts Centre (including flexible spaces for community and corporate hire)
  • supporting local community arts and culture groups through funding, partnerships, advice and advocacy.

The Boroondara Arts Advisory Committee was endorsed by Council in December 2019, replacing the Town Hall Gallery Collection Advisory Committee.

3   Objectives

The objectives of the Committee are to provide advice, feedback and input into:

  • the development of arts and culture related policies
  • Town Hall Gallery Collection acquisitions and de-accessions (as required)
  • significant renewal and restoration projects relating to the Town Hall Gallery Collection
  • emerging trends and opportunities for Council’s arts and cultural programs and projects
  • emerging public art projects being proposed to Council by third parties, such as local trader associations, cultural industries, practitioners, organisations​ and residents.

4   Role

The role of the Committee is to:

  • support the objectives of the Committee, and participate in meetings in a positive, respectful and constructive manner
  • share diverse views, actively listen and be open to different perspectives
  • provide input and feedback on policy, research and projects related to arts and culture in the City of Boroondara
  • provide Council with advice on current and emerging issues and opportunities related to arts and culture within the City of Boroondara
  • provide specialist advice to Council on Town Hall Gallery Collection acquisitions and de-accessions
  • contribute to the action planning process by providing advice regarding key arts and culture actions that align with the Boroondara Community Plan.

5   Composition

The Committee will consist of up to:

  • five (5) Councillors
  • eight (8) members
  • two (2) senior Council officers (such as manager and/or director).

Ex-officio Committee members include:

  • Council officers in attendance to support the meeting operations and provide expertise as required
  • other community members, organisations and individuals with specialist expertise who may be invited to attend a particular meeting to support particular items of discussion.

Membership of the Committee is voluntary and will include representatives reflecting key areas such as:

  • professional expertise and/or community knowledge in the arts
  • a balance of arts and cultural disciplines including but not limited to the visual arts, performing arts, and literary arts.

Individuals will be appointed by Council for two years with the option to seek a further two- year term. Individuals will not be able to serve more than three terms (a maximum of six years).

5.1   Role and selection of Councillor/s

The role of Councillor/s is to participate in the meetings and listen to stakeholder and community views (as relevant).

Council will appoint by resolution Councillor representation annually.

5.2   Role of Council officer/s

The Arts and Culture Department is responsible for this Committee.

Council officers are responsible for ensuring Committee members are notified of meetings; minutes and agendas are distributed; and actions are followed up and reported back to the Committee.

Council officers will advise the Committee on the progress or outcomes of any advice provided by the Committee, any Council report or Council decision relevant to the Committee's work, and the dates of Council meetings discussing matters relevant to the Committee.

Council officers from departments across the organisation will be invited to attend the Committee meeting where relevant.

5.3   Role and selection of external members


The role of community members is to:

  • prepare for, attend, and actively participate in meetings, working parties (if relevant) and planning days of the Committee
  • provide expert advice regarding arts and culture within Boroondara
  • make recommendations to Council via the Council officer(s) assigned to convene the Committee
  • keep the Committee informed of current and emerging developments, and issues and activities relevant to the Committee
  • respond to requests for input into and/or feedback on Council activities, policies, and reports.


Council officers will oversee the recruitment of members. Individuals must make an application via an expression of interest process.

Nominations for appointment of members shall be invited through public notices in Council’s publications and invitations will also be circulated through relevant Council committees and networks. Expressions of interest will be advertised every two years or as required if a community representative resigns or is no longer able to participate in the Committee meetings.

Representation that reflects Boroondara's demographic diversity will be encouraged.

Selection Criteria

Individuals will be selected on the basis of the following criteria, which are desirable:

  • broad range of age, gender and backgrounds
  • strong commitment to the support and development of arts in the Boroondara community
  • qualifications, skills, knowledge or experience in the arts, culture and/or heritage disciplines
  • reflect a balance of arts and cultural disciplines in accordance with the membership requirements
  • ability to support the role and function of the Committee as set out in the Terms of Reference
  • willingness to commit to a two-year term.

6   Meetings

6.1   Meeting schedule

Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis for about 1 hour and an annual schedule of meetings will be agreed upon at the first meeting of the Committee in each year.

Members are expected to attend a minimum of 75% of meetings. If this requirement is not being met, Council officers will meet with the member to discuss their capacity to continue on the Committee.

Working parties will be established as required to provide an opportunity for members to work collaboratively on specific issues and projects. These meetings will be held in between regular quarterly meetings.

6.2   Meeting procedure

Meetings will follow standard meeting procedure protocols, which are in summary:

  • commence on time and conclude by the stated completion time
  • be scheduled and confirmed in advance with all relevant papers distributed (as appropriate) to each member
  • encourage fair and reasonable discussion, participation and respect for each other’s views
  • focus on the relevant issues at hand.

As this is an advisory committee, voting on issues is not required. Any recommendations will generally be developed through consensus.

6.3   Role and selection of the Chairperson

The position of Chairperson will be a Councillor and will be reviewed annually, immediately following Councillor appointments to committees.

If a Councillor elects to chair but is unable to attend a meeting, another Councillor shall be appointed as Chairperson.

6.4   Public attendance at meetings

The Committee is not required to give public notice of its meetings and its meetings are not open to the public.

6.5   Reports, agendas and minutes

Minutes of the meetings will be provided to Committee members by the Council officer within three weeks after the meeting. An agenda will be electronically circulated by officers to all Committee members not less than 72 hours prior to each meeting and working party reports will be circulated with the meeting agenda.

Minutes will contain details of meeting proceedings and actions arising and will be clear and self-explanatory.

The minutes will be endorsed by the Committee at the subsequent meeting.

Agendas and minutes from meetings are not required to be made available to the public, unless required by law or Council’s Public Transparency Policy.

6.6   Budget and resources

The Advisory Committee has no budgetary allocation from Council (this includes budget for the payment of fees for external members or presenters).

The Arts and Culture Department will provide administrative support to the Committee.

7   Compliance with legislation and Council policies

This part sets out conduct that Committee members agree will contribute to the good governance, integrity and responsible operation of the Committee.

7.1  Conflict of interest

Councillors and officers are required to disclose conflicts of interest in accordance with Part 6, Division 2 of the Local Government Act 2020 and Chapter 5 of the Governance Rules.

In performing their role, a member must:

  • aim to work in an honest, respectful, collaborative and solution-focused manner
  • encourage fair and reasonable discussion
  • respect the confidentiality of documents before the Committee and meeting proceedings
  • not make improper use of their position for personal or professional gain.

A Committee member who identifies with a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest in a matter before the Committee must declare their interest prior to discussion of the item.

The declaration and nature of the conflict of interest must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Depending on the nature of the conflict, the member may need to exclude themselves from the discussion, or the Committee may decide to accept and record the conflict.

7.2  Confidential information

Committee members acknowledge that they may at times have access to confidential or sensitive information, which may not always be marked as being ‘confidential’ or ‘sensitive in nature’.

A Committee member must not intentionally or recklessly disclose information they know, or should reasonably know, is confidential information.

7.3  External communications

Committee members must comply with the Council’s Communication Policy and respect the Mayor is the spokesperson of Council in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

As such, Committee members are not to make public statements, submissions or announcements to external stakeholders or the media on behalf of the Committee or Council unless prior approval has been granted.

An external Committee member who does not adhere to the provisions in 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 will be asked to retire from their position on the Committee.

8   Review and evaluation

Towards the conclusion of the four-year term, the Committee will evaluate its success in meeting the objectives and priorities established at the beginning of its term, and Council will consider the purpose and role of the Committee in the light of emerging trends and issues. The Terms of Reference will also be reviewed at this time.

9   Council contact

Senior Coordinator, Community and Cultural Programming

Tel: (03) 9278 4770    

Email: [email protected]

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