‘Diverse Boroondara’ is a photo exhibition, showcasing the winners of the 2022 Boroondara Photograph Competition.
Each year, amateur photographers are invited to submit photographs taken both in the past and present, of the places, events and people that have shaped Boroondara.
The sixth annual competition, the theme for 2022 was Diverse Boroondara. The community shared hundreds of photographs that highlighted the diversity and heritage of Boroondara.
The judges considered the photographs in two categories -- the Open Photograph Competition for people of all ages and the Young Photographers Competition for school-aged photographers.
This year, the Open Photograph competition included a “My 2021 Experience” category, in which entrants were invited to submit images that highlighted the challenges and experiences of the global health pandemic in Boroondara.
This exhibition is presented in collaboration with the Boroondara Library Service.

Artist Statement: Hawthorn, top-end, Glenferrie road. 'Recycled before the end of life.'
Judges’ Comments: Poignant and dynamic, the tones and contrast employed in this photograph result in irregular shapes at odds with what we usually associate with a building. The sharp focus and composition including scaffolds and machinery reflect the ways our surroundings are constantly in flux.

Artist Statement: I took this photo of the Camberwell Junction in November 2019 on my lunch break. I work close to the Camberwell Junction, and it's one of my favourite spots to sit and watch the hustle and bustle of the city. People were going about their day, getting lunch, running errands.
Judges’ Comments: Excellent composition and tonal complexity. The crisp detail contrasted with the blurred cars and figures, captures the movement and busy atmosphere of this local intersection. A resonant depiction of life before COVID-19.

Artist Statement: Early morning bike ride.
Judges’ Comments: Excellent use of tonal variation and vantage to emphasise the vastness and emptiness of the street. The absence of human presence and the inability to distinguish the building interiors represent feelings of isolation and loneliness felt by many while in lockdown during 2021.

Artist Statement: This adorable dog was sitting inside the Florist on High Street, Kew East, looking out at my dog and me.
Judges’ Comments: A delightful portrait of an adorable subject. The vantage is well-chosen, capturing the longing eyes looking out the window and a perfectly placed golden sticker in front of the nose. This photograph speaks to those unexpected moments animals create that add joy to our daily lives.

Artist Statement: This photo was taken in my house, and it depicts a throng of Lego people of all different kinds admiring three sets of the hand-drawn drawings that were cut out to fit the ratio of the Lego people.
Judges’ Comments: Creative, playful and thoughtful. Thoroughly enjoy the expressive staging of the characters. It feels like this could be part of a storyboard for a movie. A fantastic demonstration of how different visual mediums like painting and photography can work together.

Artist Statement: This photo is of a small shop on Maling Road, Canterbury. I took it late at night when passing by. Workers are working hard to clean up the store after hours.
Judges’ Comments: Light and contrast have been skillfully utilised to make an ordinary moment appear cinematic. Very pleasing composition and the emphasis on the colour yellow in the scene is compelling and effective.

Artist Statement: Marian Street Hawthorn.
Judges’ Comments: There is a playful relationship between the figure, the dog, and the writing between them that creates great energy and a sense of fun. The subject's expression mimics the drawing of the dog and the arrow pointing back to the person, resulting in a comedic scene that highlights the joy of the everyday.

Artist Statement: Marian Street Hawthorn.
Judges’ Comments: A lovely portrait that captures the subject's personality. The birdhouse mimics an actual house, while the individual's stance and expression indicates pride in their home and environment. This is an excellent example of using objects within a portrait to tell a story.

Artist Statement: Henrietta Street Hawthorn.
Judges’ Comments: A beautiful photo celebrating often overlooked but essential workers and services in our community. There is a lovely range of tones and detail in the image.

Artist Statement: Camberwell Sunday market. This photo shows the diversity of beads and colours on the jewellery stall.
Judges’ Comments: Lovely use of colour to create a rich texture and lots of depth. The clear distinction between foreground, middle ground and background is an impressive aspect of the composition. It appears almost like a landscape made of treasure rather than a close-up. Perfectly encapsulates the nostalgia and excitement of visiting local markets.

Artist Statement: My parents love to walk in Balwyn Maranoa Botanic Gardens, and we walked in there one day. I took photos of this beautiful rainbow Lorikeet.
Judges’ Comments: A fantastic portrait that shows off the subject's beautiful, bright feathers. The intensity of the colours in the photo makes it look like the bird is sitting in a beautiful, wild paradise.

Artist Statement: A box with light from a house window reflecting on it in colourful patterns.
Judges’ Comments: Imaginative and observant. The closeness of the camera abstracts the subject compellingly. Captures a common but often missed occurrence that highlights the curiosity and joy of the everyday.

Artist Statement: A very busy wattlebird in a backyard on John Street, Kew.
Judges’ Comments: Aesthetically pleasing to the eye and unexpected. The bird positioned upside down makes it appear vulnerable yet acrobatic and perfectly balanced. Great technical skill to capture a delicate subject with high focus and detail.

Artist Statement: Taken at Surrey Hills Station looking east. In the morning fog, the outbound train disappears into the fog. The fog and opacity reflect the state of flux and uncertainty of what the station will be like in the future and whether it will be better than what it replaces.
Judges’ Comments: This photograph takes advantage of natural elements to create a moody environment. The train appears frozen in the fog, creating a sense of stillness and quiet. The way the foreground is framed implies the photographer is hiding or peering out. Together, these elements create a visceral sensation of coldness in the viewer.

Artist Statement: One cold November day, I went bird watching with my dad at Studley Park in Kew. I really wanted to find some interesting birds. We were walking along the Yarra River when we heard a soft rustling coming from the bushes. We stopped walking and started looking in the bushes for a bird. We were about to walk back to the car when a colourful parrot jumped onto a stick. My dad and I knew that it was a Red Rumped Parrot! We took a photo, and then I noticed that it had grass in its beak. It must be eating a snack!
Judges’ Comments: Great focus on the details of the face and all the beautiful colours in the subject's feathers. The blurry grass and long branch help the bird stand out from its background, adding contrast and balance. The bird looks really calm, showing how careful the photographer was while taking the photo.

Artist Statement: I took this photo at Yarra Boulevard in Kew. We went for a little walk near the Yarra River. We were just about done when my brother saw the Tawny Frogmouth! We raced to it, and once we arrived, we examined it. It looked really funny! We had to be very quiet so we didn't wake it up! The bird then looked at us to see who was there. It was really amazing!
Judges’ Comments: Sweet, intimate and careful treatment of the subject. Lovely focus on the bird's face. The branches look like they are wrapped around the bird, keeping it safe, while the blurry leaves help us understand that it is sleepy and maybe dreaming.

Artist Statement: I took this photo at Yarra Bend Park, Kew. We were coming home when we saw this bird. It looked so cute! Then we waited for the perfect photo as it was flying around. This photo is perfect, it is close up, and the light is good. I really enjoyed this moment, and it is my favourite photo!
Judges’ Comments: Lovely contrast between the clear focus on the bird and the blurred background. The inclusion of the chicken wire in the photo indicates the human presence in this bird's everyday natural environment.

Artist Statement: This photo was taken in the Alexandra Gardens in Kew, right next to Trinity Grammar School's music department. There are no people in this picture. I used the Canon EOS 2000 provided by my school, Trinity Grammar School, Kew.
Judges’ Comments: A beautiful, moody photograph with rich use of purples to create contrast. There is a hopeful component to this photograph as the flower grows despite the leaf behind it slowly decaying. The depth of field and the close crop is quite theatrical, resulting in intimacy whilst emphasising the flower's smallness.

Artist Statement: Precarity fractures my sense of self. I am seeking inner certainty, but my anchors are fleeting. In this self-portrait from October 2021, I present myself as the subject. Looking out through the ice, I consider the impact of uncertainty and how this affects the self. Using photography and the pigment print as communicative tools I represent my interpretation of precarity through the distortion of my face, created within the confines of a home studio. Within this portrait, I am engaging in the idea of emotion as a form of knowing. This photo is a raw understanding of how uncertainty impacts me and how it makes me feel.
Judges’ Comments: An exciting composition that demonstrates skill, consideration and focus. Excellent use of lighting and found materials to abstract and fracture the face. Rich in metaphor and illustrative of the lasting impacts of COVID-19 on our sense of self.

Artist Statement: This photograph is of my father Ted on his brand new AJS motorcycle taken in Balwyn Rd Balwyn where he lived, just south of Mont Albert Rd in 1948. The house is still there, on the eastern side of Balwyn Rd.
Judges’ Comments: Great composition. The subject's leather jacket and motorcycle are humorously contrasted against his shirt and tie and the suburban setting. This photo captures a moment of joy and an interesting historical perspective.

Artist Statement: This photo depicts the iconic Hawthorn Town Hall building and the busy road beside it.
Judges’ Comments: The chosen angle captures the grandeur of the building in a very compelling way. A great deal of consideration has been taken to identify the time of day when the light would best illuminate the subject. The skilful use of long exposure captures both the movement within the area and a sense of stillness.

Artist Statement: This photo depicts a hockey match played at Matlock Park and captures the movement of the players through long exposure and dark filters.
Judges’ Comments: Dynamic, really well-captured sense of movement illustrating the excitement of the moment. The way the figures blur into one another effectively encapsulates the chaos of a sports event in a way that feels nostalgic to the viewer. An excellent representation of women in team sports.

Artist Statement: The Rivoli Theatre, Camberwell Rd.
Judges’ Comments: There is a lot of drama, energy and technical skill in this photograph, demonstrated by excellent use of light, dynamic movement and sharpness in detail. The cinematic treatment perfectly suits the subject, and the rich use of colour complements the grand architecture of the building. There is a timelessness and placelessness to this image; it could be a must-go destination anywhere in the world. Fantastic treatment of our local venues.

Artist Statement: Details of the Camberwell Central building.
Judges’ Comments: A bold and original take on the theme, highlighting the unique design properties of a local building. Fantastic focus on vibrant colours and abstract angles to produce a pleasing composition that draws the eye across the photograph.

Artist Statement: A weeping elm in flower in Westbourne Grove Camberwell.
Judges’ Comments: This photograph has a surreal quality that is dreamlike and beautiful. Fantastic use of colour and light highlighting the beauty in natural moments that became more important to us in 2021. The camera's position and choice of camera lens result in the tree filling the foreground very effectively.

Artist Statement: This photo was taken on the roof of the Lido cinema at midnight. It has been edited in black and white and was taken with an iPhone 13.
Judges’ Comments: Creative use of vantage and outstanding tonal range to create a moody aesthetic that resembles film noir. This was an exciting stylistic choice that complements the lack of human presence in the photograph. Impressive technical skill to take this photo at night while preserving the scene's sharpness and clarity.