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Kathy Holowko (artist): Wild City is a collaborative artwork that myself and children work on and present in an exhibition form.

It's like a vision of the future of how we can live with wild animals and it’s super cute.

Wild City is a way for people to see all these fantastic examples from around the world of how we can live with wild animals.

I provide the sculptural building blocks, a basic city, and then I show kids all of these amazing infrastructure changes and community efforts from around the world.

Patrick (teacher): Auburn Primary was involved in the Wild City program because we thought this was a wonderful opportunity to not only have the students meet an artist, but to learn about what future cities might look like in terms of animals and how we could all get along together.

Ciara (student): I've had a lot of fun building habitats and mixing and matching different places and different things to create an environment.

Eve (student): We built a rooftop garden for possums, a bridge for birds, and a little garden on the ground for humans and animals.

Ciara: Who knows? Maybe one day we can actually build that in real life and we can make our the place a better place for animals.

Patrick: In this room there could be future city planners, future animal lovers and zookeepers. So just understanding that there's lots of ways that we can all live in this world together and that with their help, we can design a nicer future for ourselves and for animals, too.

Kathy: It's a beautiful vision of the future through the eyes of children. So you can't not love it.