Event details
Help us collect valuable data for the Great Southern Bioblitz. Join us for this fun moth spotting and identification activity with the Entomological Society. Record your Boroondara moth sightings for the Greater Melbourne Great Southern Bioblitz project on the iNaturalist app.
We encourage you to download the free iNaturalist app prior to the event so you can record sightings and contribute data to this global citizen science challenge, but it's not essential. Watch a recording of an iNaturalist app training session to learn more about using the app.
Please wear appropriate shoes for an outdoor walk along uneven ground and come prepared for cold and wet weather.
When: Saturday 21 September, 7 – 9 pm
Where: Willsmere Billabong, Junction of Main Yarra Trail and Darebin Creek Trail, Willsmere Park, Willow Grove, Kew East