OUTAGE: Website maintenance April 2024

Our website will be unavailable from 5 to 8 pm on Tuesday 23 April due to planned maintenance. 

Neighbourhood character and heritage

Our community told us they value:

Local heritage, the character of our neighbourhoods and the careful regulation of new development. Diversity in the size and cost of available housing to suit a range of lifestyles is also important.

Our community said: 

We value these things because they contribute to Boroondara’s uniqueness and desirability. 

Strategic Objective 4: Protect the heritage and respect the character of the City to maintain amenity and liveability while recognising the need for appropriate, well-designed development for future generations.

Our strategies to achieve this objective

  • Strategy 4.1 - Encourage the planning of well-designed new development that is appropriately located and does not negatively impact on established residential streets and valued neighbourhood character.
  • Strategy 4.2 - Advocate to the State Government and opposition parties for greater control over planning decisions.
  • Strategy 4.3 - Preserve the City’s history and protect heritage properties and precincts by undertaking a municipal-wide heritage review and introduce heritage overlays in the Boroondara Planning Scheme.
  • Strategy 4.4 - Encourage development in and around our commercial centres, with an emphasis on increasing housing diversity by having the appropriate planning controls in the Boroondara Planning Scheme.
  • Strategy 4.5 - Introduce environmentally sustainable design policies and principles into the Boroondara Planning Scheme to facilitate sustainable development.
  • Strategy 4.6 - Engage with owners and developers to achieve a balance between development and protection of neighbourhood character, heritage and amenity.
  • Strategy 4.7 - Advocate to the State Government and opposition parties to review the current suite of zones and overlays to ensure they provide opportunities for new residential infill in appropriate locations and limit development in inappropriate locations.

Evaluation measures

We'll use the following high level indicators and data to assess our progress towards achieving Strategic Objective 4. Detailed indicators will be published in the adjusted Council Plan 2017-21 and reported against in the Annual Report.

Indicators Data source
Outcome: Satisfaction with neighbourhood character and heritage The volume and content of complaints received (excluding objections to planning permit applications) 
Output: Range of indicators to assess the progress of access, appropriateness, quality and cost of neighbourhood character and heritage

Local Government Performance Reporting Framework measures

Operational indicators

Outcome indicators: Assess the overall impact and achievement of strategic objectives.

Output indicators: Measure specific activities.

Download the full Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - designed PDFBoroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - text format or Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - PDF of text version.