Creating the plan
A plan that reflects the true voice of our community
In 2016, we started developing a new Council vision, one that would reflect our community’s values, aspirations and priorities and lead us for the next 10 years.
Between November 2016 and April 2017, we reached out to people who live, work, study or recreate in Boroondara and received 11,845 responses - making it our largest public consultation to date.
The Boroondara Community Plan and the strategies it contains are a direct response to the feedback we received from our community. The plan was developed over four stages.
Stage One - the ideas phase
Between November 2016 and February 2017, we received 7,182 responses from the Boroondara community to the question “What’s important to you in Boroondara?”. This open-ended question was designed to ensure that we had the opportunity to hear about all issues the community thought were important.
Stage Two - prioritisation
In the second stage of consultation, 4,663 responses were received from members of our community who either chose their 'top three' from the seven priority themes identified in Stage One, or allocated a hypothetical budget among the priority themes.
Learn more about what you told us in Stage One and Two.
Stage Three - identification of health and wellbeing priorities
To identify the health priorities of the plan, we looked closely at data about the health and wellbeing of the Boroondara community.
We also developed a wellbeing commitment with local health agency partners and the Boroondara Public Health and Wellbeing Plan Advisory Committee.
Stage Four - community plan development
Through the consultation process, we heard what our community values most about Boroondara, as well as their concerns, hopes and aspirations for the future.
We used this feedback to inform the development of the community vision and the strategic objectives and the strategies related to the seven priority themes.
To learn more about who we spoke to and how our community responded, download the full Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - designed PDF, Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - text format or Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - PDF of text version.