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This video features students talking about their experience on the day of vaccination.

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What is it like being vaccinated?

Hear from our students.

'I didn’t think it would be too bad, but it was really simple.'

'I was very worried about the vaccination because I thought it would hurt a lot, but it definitely wasn’t as bad as I thought.'

'Everyone was really nice, and we didn’t have to wait very long, and after I just got the vaccine it was really, really quick, like, the lady just asked me a few questions, and then it was done.'

What did you do to keep yourself distracted?

'Well in the waiting area I was just chatting to all the staff, and then during the vaccination, I was just having a conversation with the nurse, so I didn’t even realise what was happening.'

'I was just focussing on breathing or focussing on a certain spot in the room that wouldn't change.'

How did you feel after the vaccine?

'I was fine after the vaccine, I don’t have a reaction, and it wasn’t too painful, and the nurses were really nice.'

'Yeah, I felt very relieved after I got the vaccination because I thought it would hurt a lot, and it didn’t, so I just felt really good after.'

'Well, my arm hurts a little bit now, but not much.'

'After the vaccine you just feel a bit of pain at first, but that’s very minimal and after that you could play lots of sports like I do.'

What advice would you give a friend?

'To just not focus on it.'

'Don’t really think too much about it because it isn’t that bad in comparison to what most people think about, and even if it does seem that bad, you can always reward yourself afterwards.'

'Maybe on the way, don’t have your mind on the vaccine, and while getting it, don’t look.'

'I think the best tip is to just not be worried, and not think too much about the vaccination, and to just walk into it and walk right out.'

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