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Displaying 21 - 30 of 90 results

Craig Family Centre

7 Samarinda Avenue, Ashburton VIC 3147 Australia

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A program facilitated by qualified early childhood educators. Children enjoy a range of indoor and outdoor activities. Childcare subsidy available (CCS). Runs on weekdays from 9 am to 2pm (5 hours) — cost: $95 per session (less CCS, if applicable), or from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (8 hours) — $126 per session (less CCS, if applicable). Must be a member to enrol (​$30 full or $15 concession). Educational, maintenance and gardening levy: $150 per child or $200 if 2 or more siblings attend the centre (charged quarterly).
Kew Toy Library

152 Pakington Street, Kew VIC 3101 Australia

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The library stocks approximately 1,800 toys which cater for children from birth to 12 years of age, in addition to children with special needs.
Our coordinator is experienced in assisting you to select toys for your children based on their current stage of development, enriching the learning experience play facilitates.

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a small boy uses toy tools to fix a toy truck


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Cultivate creativity at Boroondara Arts through our learning program. We are committed to providing creative experiences for young people and families through a year-round program of exhibitions, tours, workshops and online resources for primary students. Our education team offers teacher resources to inspire students and meet curriculum outcomes.

Deepdene Uniting Church, 958 Burke Road, Deepdene VIC 3103 Australia

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Deepdene Korean School runs every Sunday 2 pm to 5 pm face to face Korean language classes during the school terms. The school also runs online classes for adults and children on various week days.
The Sunday children's class is designed with a unique and fun wholistic approach.
$120 per term (sibling discount available)

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